Litigation Associate / 2-4 yrs. / Atlanta A top ranked, national law firm is seeking a Litigation Associate with 2 to 4 years of experience working in… Continue reading “Litigation Associate / 2-4 yrs. / Atlanta”…
Project Finance Associate / 3-5 yrs. / 18 Locations A top ranked U.S. law firm is seeking a Project Finance associate with 3 to 5 years of transactional experience.… Continue reading “Project Finance Associate / 3-5 yrs. / 18 Locations”…
Construction Litigation Associate Attorney / 4-6 yrs. / Atlanta A respected, national law firm is seeking a Construction Litigation Associate Attorney with 4-6 years of experience to join their… Continue reading “Construction Litigation Associate Attorney / 4-6 yrs. / Atlanta”…
Securities Attorney / 6+ yrs. w. Commercial Real Estate / 22 locations A global law firm is seeking a Securities Attorney with 6+ years of experience managing structured securities offerings for their… Continue reading “Securities Attorney / 6+ yrs. w. Commercial Real Estate / 22 locations”…
Project Finance Of Counsel / 9+ yrs. / 22 locations A global law firm is seeking a Project Finance Of Counsel with 9+ years of experience to work in a… Continue reading “Project Finance Of Counsel / 9+ yrs. / 22 locations”…
Debt Finance Attorneys / 3-5 yrs. / Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, Houston, New York, or Washington, DC A top ranked law firm is seeking Debt Finance Attorneys with 3 to 5 years of relevant experience for to… Continue reading “Debt Finance Attorneys / 3-5 yrs. / Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, Houston, New York, or Washington, DC”…
Litigation Associate / 4+ yrs. / Atlanta A national law firm is seeking a Litigation Associate with 4+ years of experience, preferably transportation litigation experience, to become… Continue reading “Litigation Associate / 4+ yrs. / Atlanta”…
Consumer Financial Services Litigation Counsel / 5+ yrs. / Atlanta or Los Angeles A top national law firm is seeking Consumer Financial Litigation Counsel with at least 5 years of experience to join… Continue reading “Consumer Financial Services Litigation Counsel / 5+ yrs. / Atlanta or Los Angeles”…
Patent Prosecution Associate Attorney / 4+ yrs. / Atlanta, Denver, Houston, Kansas City, Salt Lake City or Washington, DC A top national law firm is seeking a Patent Prosecution Associate Attorney with 4+ years of experience to join their… Continue reading “Patent Prosecution Associate Attorney / 4+ yrs. / Atlanta, Denver, Houston, Kansas City, Salt Lake City or Washington, DC”…
Litigation Associate / 4+ / Atlanta A top national law firm is seeking a Litigation Associate with 4+ years of litigation experience, preferably transportation litigation experience,… Continue reading “Litigation Associate / 4+ / Atlanta”…
Health Care Litigation Attorney / 2+ yrs. / Chicago, Dallas, or Denver A highly ranked national law firm is seeking a health care litigation attorney with 2 or more years of experience… Continue reading “Health Care Litigation Attorney / 2+ yrs. / Chicago, Dallas, or Denver”…
Data Privacy Associate / 2+ yrs. / Atlanta, Baltimore, Houston, Nashville, New Orleans, Raleigh or Washington, D.C. A top rated national law firm is seeking a Data Privacy Associate with 2 or more years of experience in… Continue reading “Data Privacy Associate / 2+ yrs. / Atlanta, Baltimore, Houston, Nashville, New Orleans, Raleigh or Washington, D.C.”…
Litigation Attorney / 10-12 yrs. / Atlanta A highly ranked firm is looking for an attorney with 10 to 12 years of experience working in general commercial… Continue reading “Litigation Attorney / 10-12 yrs. / Atlanta”…
Consumer Financial Services Attorney / 3 – 5 yrs. / Atlanta, Hawaii, Richmond or Remote A nationally recognized practice group is seeking a Consumer Financial Services Attorney with 3 – 5 years of experience to… Continue reading “Consumer Financial Services Attorney / 3 – 5 yrs. / Atlanta, Hawaii, Richmond or Remote”…
Labor and Employment Litigation Attorney / 3-6 yrs. / Atlanta A top ranked law firm is seeking a labor and employment litigation attorney with 3 to 6 years of experience… Continue reading “Labor and Employment Litigation Attorney / 3-6 yrs. / Atlanta”…