Trademark Prosecution Attorney / New York
Seeking a part-time attorney who has been practicing for at least 3 years. This attorney will either primarily or exclusively handle trademark prosecution matters. Requirements:
- Ability to manage all aspects of U.S. trademark prosecution, including (a) conducting internal trademark searches; (b) reviewing outside trademark search reports; (c) preparing and filing trademark applications, office action responses, statements of use, section 8 & 15 declarations, and other U.S. trademark filings; and (d) counseling and corresponding with clients regarding all of these issues.
- Strong pre-existing knowledge of U.S. trademark prosecution procedural rules, and trademark clearance and searching experience. Knowledge of international trademark prosecution procedural rules would be helpful. U.S./International percentage will most likely be 50/50 split.
- TTAB experience is required. The candidate will need to be able to assist on oppositions and cancellation proceedings.
- Conduct due diligence on trademark issues within corporate transactions. In addition, experience having drafted trademark and other IP content agreements, including licenses, assignments, and publicity releases is ideal.
- Experience with domain name issues and use of marks in social media.
- Some copyright counseling experience would be helpful.
- Ideally the candidate is familiar with the Corsearch online trademark platform, but this is not a requirement.
If you or someone you know is interested in additional information, please reach out to Rick at, Sydney at or contact us with a resume to get started. No documents or information are shared without approval and all submissions are held in strict confidence.
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