Private Client Services Attorney / New York or Princeton
An AmLaw 50 firm seeks an experienced attorney for to join their Private Client practice in New York or Princeton. Successful candidates will have three or more years of experience in estate planning and administration functions, such as preparing trust agreements and wills, handling probate proceedings, administering trusts, preparing estate tax returns, and some experience handling elder law matters, including Medicaid planning and guardianships. Estate litigation experience a plus. Candidates must be collaborative and motivated to succeed in a client-focused, team-oriented environment. Candidates must also have excellent academic credentials, strong written and oral communications skills, and the ability to produce top quality work with minimal supervision.
If you or someone you know is interested in additional information, please reach out to Rick at, Alaina at, Sydney at or contact us with your resume to get started. No documents or information are shared without approval and all submissions are held in confidence.
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