Mid-Level Patent Litigation Attorney / 2-4 years / New York or San Francisco
A leading international law firm is seeking a mid-level attorney with 2-4 years of experience to join their nationally ranked Patent Litigation group in either New York or San Francisco. Candidates must have excellent academic credentials from a top tier law school and experience litigating all aspects of patent disputes. To be considered, you will preferably have a degree in electrical engineering, have completed a district court or Federal Circuit clerkship, and have practical work experience in the field of your technical expertise. California compensation range: $225,000 – $295,000 New York compensation range: $225,000 – $295,000
If you or someone you know is interested in additional information, please reach out to Rick at rick@hwrlegal.com, Sydney at ssmith@hwrlegal.com, Alaina at acr@hwrlegal.com, or contact us below with your resume to get started. No documents or information are shared without approval and all submissions are held in confidence.
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