Patent Prosecution Attorney / 2-4 yrs. / Washington, D.C.
A top national law firm is seeking a highly-qualified and motivated Patent Prosecution Attorney with 2-4 years of experience to join their Group in Washington, D.C. The successful candidate must be familiar with the patent prosecution, client counseling, drafting patent applications, freedom to operate opinions and due diligence. Strong preference for candidates with immediately transferable skills and strong academic backgrounds from nationally recognized schools as well as prior experience in a large or mid-sized law firm. Background in life sciences, registration with the USPTO and advanced degree, prefer PhD, in molecular and cellular biology or similar disciplines. Applicants must be licensed to practice in at least one state and able to obtain the DC bar. Admission to the USPTO is also required.
If you or someone you know is interested in additional information, please reach out to Rick at, Sydney at or contact us below with your resume to get started. No documents or information are shared without approval and all submissions are held in strict confidence.
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