Medical Malpractice Attorneys / 3-12 yrs. / Ft. Lauderdale or Miami
A well renowned Florida law firm is seeking Medical Malpractice Attorneys with 3 to 12 years of defense experience, from pre-suit screening through trial to post-trial appeals, to join their group in either Fort Lauderdale or Miami. This medical malpractice group touches every area of medical expertise and sub-specialties, including obstetrics, oncology, neurology, pathology, transplants and emergency medicine. Attorneys must have a JD from an accredited law school and be admitted to practice in Florida or willing to sit for the next examination.
For additional information about this position, please reach out to our colleague Susan Martin at: (561) 833-4159 / or contact us below with your resume to get started. No documents or information are shared without approval and all submissions are held in confidence.
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