Healthcare Associate Attorney / 2-6 yrs. / Los Angeles, New York or Washington, D.C.
A prestigious law firm is seeking a Healthcare Associate Attorney with 2-6 years of health law experience involving regulatory and compliance issues, health care transactions, investigations and/or litigation to join their team in either Los Angeles, New York or Washington, D.C. Ideal candidates will have a working knowledge of such areas as fraud and abuse law, reimbursement issues, HIPAA, and Medicare/Medicaid, as well as similar state laws. The candidate should have excellent academic credentials and should be prepared to submit a writing sample demonstrating experience as described above. Firm historically has a very competitive salary range along with generous benefits and bonus structures.
For additional information about this or other open positions across the U.S., please reach out to Rick at, Sydney at, Alaina at, or contact us below with your resume to get started. No documents or information are shared without approval and all submissions are held in confidence.
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