Florida Tax and Estate Planning Attorney / 4-8 years / Miami or Tampa
A top U.S. law firm is seeking a Florida Tax and Estate Planning Attorney with 4 to 8 years of relevant experience to join their team in either Miami or Tampa. Experience must include working with high net-worth individuals on intricate estate planning matters that help the transition process of clients’ financial and business affairs. Skills should include identifying and implementing tax-effective means of transferring wealth to beneficiaries, whether during life or after death, including advising on estate, gift, generation-skipping transfers and fiduciary income considerations and drafting of related documents. Additionally, it is required that the candidate have a knowledge of closely-held businesses, including succession planning (from identifying the successor business leaders to reorganizing businesses to facilitate succession to effecting the actual transfer of ownership). This candidate should also have experience with business tax issues that arise in the context of succession planning. The position requires a J.D. from an accredited law school. It is preferred that the candidate also have a LL.M. in Tax. Applicants must also have bar admission in the State of Florida.
For more information about this or other positions, please reach out to Sydney at ssmith@hwrlegal.com, Alaina at acr@hwrlegal.com, Rick at rick@hwrlegal.com, or contact us below with your resume to get started. No documents or information are shared without approval and all submissions are held in confidence.
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